

Directed by trans women Lana and Lily Wachowski, The Matrix (1999) explores themes of realization and self-discovery. This movie has been co-opted by men’s rights activists who claim that "redpilling" is "to suddenly realize all the ways that social justice issues, particularly those related to feminism, can cause a person to not be their truest self" (X). But for years, many transgender people have seen it as an allegory (extended metaphor) for the trans experience, comparing Neo choosing to enter the matrix to a trans person deciding to live as their true self, even though it will be difficult. This theory has since been confirmed by Lily Wachowski.

Switch is named after Switch, a character in The Matrix who is trans. It is a modular typeface made by Miles "Bread" Lee using HTML, CSS, and a lot of JavaScript (specifically JQuery). Its elements can be any size and still function as a full letter. With each refresh, the elements are given a width and height picked randomly from an array of 9 values, leading to 20 total possible variations.

Sadly, it isn’t functional as a real typeface you can type with, and only exists on this page. It was developed in Jonathan Hanahan’s Fall 2020 course Design Capstone: Form and Interaction at the Sam Fox School at Washington University in St. Louis.